Monday, April 5, 2010

We wait on Gavin to speak out for 8 months, and all we get is...

this?  Boy, am I disgusted.  Where was the Gavin when the ABC began hounding every all-ages club in San Francisco?  What is with his failure to mediate that has led a few frustrated nightlife advocates to go after the city with a lawsuit?

And here's a story that simply quadruples my cynicism about effective and informed SF city government.  The SF Appeal found some crazy copy in a grant proposal accepted by the ever-useless Public Safety Commision.  Perhaps if those clowns bothered to read something other than SFGate, they might realize that its been years since anyone has been brave enough to try throwing a rave within the city and county of San Francisco.

Lastly, I appear to be one of the few people that is sorry to see Terrance Alan leave the entertainment commision.  Whatever else his connections or interests, he has been a tireless advocate for free and open nightlife in San Francisco.  As a long time resident of this fair city, I recall the notorious police raid on one of Mr. Alan's parties that prompted the creation of the Entertainment Commission in the first place.  If any of you out there have a good written account of that police raid, please share it with me here. 

I have not been very active in my blog, sorry folks.  I am working on doing something a little more public in the next month or so.  I won't write about it till after the fact, but if you know me, I promise to invite you.

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